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Top Five Supplies Needed For Success in Class – Bring Every Day:

  1. Something with which to write (pencils and/or blue or black ink pens)

  2. A spiral notebook for in-class notes (which may be used on tests)

  3. Erasers

  4. Loose-leaf paper for homework assignments

  5. A folder/binder for keeping hand-outs and returned graded work neat and organized


Top Five Ways to earn a trip to the Principal’s Office:

  1. Insubordination (not following instructions after being reminded)

  2. Cheating (will also receive a zero on the work)

  3. Verbal and/or physical abuse to teacher or other student

  4. Elementary school behavior:  Temper Tantrums, Throwing Things, Continued disruption to instructional time which prohibits other students from listening to the lesson

  5. Reminders and/or other consequences have not altered misbehaviors


Top Five Ways to Earn Consequences:

  1. Being late to class without a pass from a teacher or principal

  2. Continually coming to class without the required materials:  textbook, homework, something with which to write, spiral notebook, paper, and folder

  3. Leaving class for any reason without permission

  4. Continually refusing to participate in class activities

  5. Talking during inappropriate times


Top Five Important Things to do to Succeed in the Jr. High:

  1. Come to school!

  2. Read and follow the student handbook!

  3. Stay organized and always be ready for class!

  4. Turn work in on time!  No late work will be accepted except for school approved absences.

  5. Study!  Study!  Study! Outside of the classroom – in study hall and at home

Top Five Ways You Earn Your Grade in Mrs. Humphrey’s Class:

  1. Daily homework assignments

  2. Quizzes

  3. Tests

  4. Essays/Projects (Speeches)

  5. In-class writing assignments (Parking Lot/Tickets out the Door)

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